Thursday, January 27, 2011

Tentative point distribution

Book homeworks -- 10%
as follows:
 Word HW#1 -- 1%
 Word HW#2 -- 1%
 Word HW#3 -- 1%
 Word HW#4 -- 1%

 Excel HW#1 -- 1%
 Excel HW#2 -- 1%
 Excel HW#3 -- 1%
 Excel HW#4 -- 1%
 Access HW#1 -- 1%
 Access HW#2 -- 1%
 Access HW#3 -- 1%
 Access HW#4 -- 1%

This adds up to 12%, which means you can skip 2 of them. Half a percentage point lost on homeworks for each week late. Thus, one week late means 0.5%, and don't even bother with two weeks late.

Word Exam -- 10%
Excel Exam -- 25%
Access Exam -- 25%
PowerPoint project -- 5%
Web Project -- 10%
Lecture homeworks -- 5%
Lecture final -- 10%

Cheating policy: Please don't cheat. If you are caught cheating, it counts as a 0 for that assignment or exam.

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